One Change: Barrier or Breakthrough In Personal Finances
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One Change: Barrier or Breakthrough In Personal Finances

Many of us feel that our income is a barrier to our goals. Even when our income increases, we feel we are on the wrong side of a wall. Eventually, we may achieve our goals, but something says we should be able to reach them sooner.

What mystery secret transforms personal finances from what appears to be a barrier into a breakthrough? It isn’t a one-time quick fix; it is the answer that keeps on working. That answer is preparation. It isn’t procrastination hiding behind preparation. It is the practice of preparation along life’s journey that changes everything.

How to Cultivate a Positive Retirement Mindset at Any Age
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How to Cultivate a Positive Retirement Mindset at Any Age

Retirement was something that didn’t exist, and then it was a long-term employee benefit. Now, it is about personal investments and hoping social security doesn’t slip into the pages of history.

The first goal at any age is regular, steady progress until the goal is reached or exceeded. We also want to continue to enjoy life while we make progress on financial freedom. Delaying progress on this goal should be rare, but the delay is sometimes the right choice. We also don’t want to aim at opportunities that are more of a gamble than an investment.