One Change: Barrier or Breakthrough In Personal Finances
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One Change: Barrier or Breakthrough In Personal Finances

Many of us feel that our income is a barrier to our goals. Even when our income increases, we feel we are on the wrong side of a wall. Eventually, we may achieve our goals, but something says we should be able to reach them sooner.

What mystery secret transforms personal finances from what appears to be a barrier into a breakthrough? It isn’t a one-time quick fix; it is the answer that keeps on working. That answer is preparation. It isn’t procrastination hiding behind preparation. It is the practice of preparation along life’s journey that changes everything.

Yesterday’s Lessons: Hope for a Brighter Tomorrow
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Yesterday’s Lessons: Hope for a Brighter Tomorrow

Yesterday was a mix of wins and losses, treasured memories and regrets. We need to understand how to deal with each memory in a healthy way.

Our positive memories can be as much of a distraction as our negative memories regarding growth and preparing for tomorrow. It is also true that our failures are not a signal to turn back. They are a signal that something didn’t work. If we classify these experiences into the correct categories and act according to what we learn from them, we have a future to look forward to.

How To Discover Hidden Character With Better Budgeting
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How To Discover Hidden Character With Better Budgeting

Many people say they lack character. They speak of character as genetic or a chemical reaction outside their control.

What if there were a way to change our minds? It has been said what you don’t know cannot hurt you, but science studying confirmation bias doesn’t support that cliche. After coaching many clients, we have found a common strength to those getting budget traction that is missing from those who don’t get traction. That strength is clarity. While many methods approach helping with this target, a particular mix wins today and in many generations past.

Feelings Are Better Results Than Guides
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Feelings Are Better Results Than Guides

Sometimes, we feel good about the future, and sometimes our feelings don’t motivate us. Feelings can work in our favor and against our best interests.

So, the answer to better results is multilayered. We must understand when our feelings contribute to a better future and when they are distracting. Sometimes, we choose a season of discomfort for the promise of greater rewards. That is our best guide; acting on rewards and avoiding regret will give us the best life.

Who Are the Three MEs?

Who Are the Three MEs?

We often hear something being said without catching its value. We are told not to focus on ourselves. Sometimes, the best thing we can do for others is to focus on ourselves. The three MEs teach us how to focus on ourselves properly. A healthy view of our good and bad past will equip us to make the right choices today. Without that, looking at the future will remain tainted.