How to Achieve Financial Peace Through Positive Budgeting

How to Achieve Financial Peace Through Positive Budgeting

( Reading Time: 5 min 48 sec ) Nobody wants financial stress, but we understand previous experience, for many will argue that a budget is not the path to peace. We have seen a style of budgeting turn this anxiety into a welcome routine over and over. The solution to positive budgeting is something we…

Who Are the Three MEs?

Who Are the Three MEs?

We often hear something being said without catching its value. We are told not to focus on ourselves. Sometimes, the best thing we can do for others is to focus on ourselves. The three MEs teach us how to focus on ourselves properly. A healthy view of our good and bad past will equip us to make the right choices today. Without that, looking at the future will remain tainted.

Is Happiness on the Horizon?

Is Happiness on the Horizon?

Someone once said farmers are not greedy; they just want the land next to theirs. Most of us understand that because we don’t have what we wish for and experience things we didn’t want. The answer is simple. No matter where we are, we get used to it and learn there are frustrating things mixed in with the good we were looking for.